
10 practical use case examples that use Web3

10 practical use case examples that use Web3

Theses about Web3 that persist

Crypto is only for speculators. NFTs are just monkey pictures. AI is just a gimmick - and always poses a rights problem. After all, there are no professional applications for Web3.

The skepticism about new technology is understandable and protects entrepreneurs from hasty investments. On the other hand, it also prevents early innovation and securing newly made advantages. What use cases can be implemented in practice with Web3 Technology? Why would they even do that? How is that done? Is there already an example of the application? This blog entry gives 10 examples with simple answers.

1) Using NFTs to retain customers


NFTs offer limited access to unique experiences and value and represent a new medium for customer engagement — and could even become a new revenue stream for their business.


Incorporate NFTs into your marketing strategies to create new forms of customer engagement and increase customer loyalty. At the same time, the instinct to play and the passion for collecting are stimulated.



2) Go-to community strategy


People strive to come together in communities with common interests. Create a community around your product and bring your customers together with like-minded people.


Focus on building and maintaining communities around your brand and use Web3 technologies to facilitate interaction and collaboration. Increase attractiveness with money-can't-buy moments.



3) Personalized engagement through digital identity


Web3 enables personalized and meaningful brand interactions.


Open access to the content of a Web3 account allows evaluations of which FTs their customers still have in the same account in addition to theirs. Use this for tailored marketing strategies and offer individualized experiences based on user data. Get access to members of a specific community by rewarding their participation in your campaign.


NFT.paris conference

4) Impacts of zero-party data1 on products and marketing


Zero-party data leads to more accurate and effective marketing strategies.


Encourage your customers to contribute to refining and personalizing your products and marketing efforts as part of the community by voluntarily sharing information and data. Get to know your target group better than through surveys and general statistics and involve the most engaged customers directly in the design of the next generation of products.


1 ZeroParty means that the data is explicitly provided voluntarily directly by the user. This is considered to be the most valuable data in marketing, via first-party data collected implicitly directly from the user (e.g. via shopping carts or usage analyses), second-party data received from partners and third-party data acquired.

5) Shift from audience to protagonist in marketing


When you recognize consumers as protagonists, you not only create more effective experiences, but also get first-hand market research data and inspire your customers with your products.


Give your customers more power by making them the main characters in your marketing stories. They convert their most loyal customers from consumers to brand ambassadors. Offer the opportunity to actively participate in product design on the one hand and to generate and distribute marketing messages on increasingly important social networks, platforms and metaverses on the increasingly important social networks, platforms and metaverses on the other.


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6) The role of the community in Web3 marketing


Communities are crucial in Web3, with tokenization allowing active participation.


Build and maintain communities around your brand by using it as a resource for feedback, innovation, and advocacy. Involve your customers in the development process and reward their involvement.


Very Special Agent Lutz

7) Partnerships with Complementary Industries with a Similar Target Group


Thanks to the barrier-free structure of Web3, collaborations have never been easier.


Using transparent and barrier-free technology to develop joint, individualized marketing strategies. The transparency makes it possible to track their issued NFTs on the wallets they belong to, including on foreign platforms. Use this to develop each other's user base together and improve the overall customer experience.


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8) Rewarding customers through token-based incentives


Increases customer engagement and loyalty


Use tokens to reward customers for their engagement and participation in brand activities. These can be NFTs, which are specific benefits such as benefits with you or partners, or you can build your own economy with your own currency.



9) Complete recurring tasks with AI at the push of a button


Save time and take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies.


A privacy-compliant interface with management of typical prompts allows you to use the benefits of AI systems without any previous knowledge. Make sure you choose an appropriate billing mode that suits your usage.


Nele AI

10) iCommerce: Reinventing retail


iCommerce is committed to the convergence of immersive technology and e-commerce.


Create virtual stores and experiences that enable customers to interact with products in a more engaging and realistic way. A seamless transition can be, for example, a virtually accessible 3D showroom that is integrated into your conventional web shop. The customer can take a more immersive look at the products and an employee can speak and answer questions as an avatar at a counter. When the customer opts for a product, it ends up in the conventional shopping cart and can be paid for with their already integrated service providers.


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