
Brand protection

Brand protection

Brand protection, counterfeiting, product traceability

“Amazon withdraws seven million counterfeit items from circulation,” writes The standard on March 26, 2024

“37 percent use counterfeit products — statistics of the week” headlines Heise online on May 30, 2023

In addition to direct violations of rights, the result is also an impact on image and security, especially when counterfeits spread on the secondary market.

In an increasingly globalized and digitized world, where counterfeiting and brand misuse are a serious problem, companies are looking for reliable technologies to securely connect and protect their products with digital information and thus maintain their brand integrity. While QR codes and NFC chips are widely used technologies, new solutions such as those from Authentic Vision, Tokiphy and Dynamic Element, which can also use Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), have significant benefits. All data in a public DLT network can be validated at any time and, due to its authenticity, offers the highest level of evidence. In this blog post, we compare these technologies with traditional QR codes and NFC chips in terms of their use in brand protection, product traceability and liability, as well as the implementation of customer loyalty programs and connection of the Digital Product Pass.

Brand protection

Brand protection is one of the most important tasks of a company in order to maintain its uniqueness and reputation. Counterfeiting and brand piracy threaten the success of every company, and in many industries, such as the luxury goods sector, this can result in significant financial losses. However, decentralized storage technologies, such as blockchain, offer promising solutions.

By using blockchain, certificates of authenticity can be stored inalterably and transparently. Once stored on the blockchain, these certificates cannot be manipulated, which makes the authenticity of a product undeniable. This technology allows consumers and companies to verify the authenticity of a product at any time, making it much more difficult to exchange counterfeit goods and strengthening brand protection.

Product traceability

Product traceability is key to monitoring a product's supply chain. Consumers today demand greater transparency, and companies must ensure that their products are manufactured and delivered ethically and lawfully. By implementing decentralized systems, the entire supply chain of a product can be monitored in real time.

Decentralized storage offers the advantage that data, such as geolocations and production processes, is stored securely and unalterably. Every movement of a product can be documented and made comprehensible. In the event of a problem, companies can quickly and efficiently identify the affected batch and take steps to minimize the damage.

One practical example is the food industry. Here, traceability plays a crucial role in food safety. By using decentralized systems, all production and transport data can be traced back to the end user, which strengthens consumer trust and increases security.

Product liability

Product liability is another critical issue that requires companies to ensure that their products are safe and error-free. A breach of product liability can result in significant legal consequences and claims for damages. Decentralized storage technologies also provide valuable support here.

By storing geolocations and production data on the blockchain, companies can provide detailed evidence of the production and delivery process of a product. Should a product ever be defective, it is possible to quickly and verifiably determine at which point in the supply chain the fault occurred. This not only minimizes risk for companies, but also strengthens consumer trust in the brand.

QR codes and NFC chips: The traditional methods

QR codes

QR codes (Quick Response Codes) are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned with a smartphone to transfer information quickly and easily. They are inexpensive, easy to implement, and widely available. Companies use QR codes for authentication, product tracking, and marketing purposes. However, QR codes have some disadvantages, such as being easy to copy, transfer and falsify. Why QR codes are not suitable for proof-of-location is in the blog post Free soccer tickets described; analogous considerations also apply to proofs of authenticity.

NFC chips

NFC (Near Field Communication) chips offer another way to verify and track products. They enable wireless communication over short distances and are particularly popular in smartphones and contactless payment systems. NFC chips offer a higher level of security than QR codes because they are harder to copy. However, they are more expensive and sometimes require special readers, which can increase implementation costs. Experienced attackers can read NFC chips, destroy them from a safe distance and even overwrite them, depending on the security level.

Authentic Vision

Holographic fingerprint technology

Authentic Vision uses a unique, patented fingerprint technology with randomly generated holograms, which provides a secure and non-replicable method of product verification. Each product is provided with an individual hologram, which can be scanned with your own Meta Anchor™ app (or SDK) to instantly verify its authenticity. Optionally, a specially developed smart contract can also be used to DLT connect a digital soul™ of the product, which is inseparably linked to the product.


  • Safety: The holographic fingerprint is extremely difficult to falsify and offers a very high “banking grade” protection against counterfeit products. Specially trained AI detects fraud attempts.
  • Ease of use: Verification is carried out via an app, without the need for special devices. The Meta Anchor™ app and the SDK to extend an existing app are available worldwide for every standard smartphone with camera and flash.
  • Real time data: Companies receive immediate feedback and can use real-time data for product tracking and liability. In addition to ID and validation results, geodata can also be collected and transmitted.
  • DLT connection: By using DLT, the owners of the product can be stored invariably, which increases provability and transparency and can give the product a history of previous owners. Ownership of the physical product can therefore be proven digitally and online at any time.
  • Appeal: Holograms are generally regarded as a sign of high value, as they are known from banknotes and documents, for example.
  • integration: For secure and easy integration into existing backend systems and mobile apps, APIs and SDKs are offered for various customer systems.
  • interaction: Each validation creates a touchpoint with the end customer, which can be used in a variety of ways for customer loyalty and marketing purposes.


  • costs: Implementation costs are generally higher than with QR codes, as special holograms are produced, applied and activated.

Customer examples

  • dana protects your products in the automotive sector
  • Nexans ensures the customer the quality of the respective cables in accordance with the respective specifications
  • Bank Austria uses the technology as a second authentication factor


Blockchain-based verification

Tokiphy uses blockchain technology to verify wallet identities and token ownership. By binding a smart card or a special NFC chip token to a wallet, Tokiphy offers a secure and tamper-proof method of authentication. This can be used in two ways: On a chip in the form of a credit card, a Web3 wallet can be managed for the end customer without the end customer having to deal with the technology. However, such a chip can also be applied to any product, which means that the product itself receives a wallet and can hold a digital product passport as a digital asset, for example.


  • Safety: The use of a proprietary NFC chip with increased protection and the use of blockchain technology offer a high level of security and transparency.
  • Easy to use: After initial setup, it is easy to use and requires no further special devices for the end user.
  • DLT storage: All transactions and verifications are stored on the blockchain, which provides an immutable and transparent history.
  • Web3 technology: Linking familiar chip cards with a Web3 wallet makes it possible to offer low-threshold decentralized services without end customers having to deal with the technology.
  • Active tracking: In addition to standard solutions, Tokiphy also offers specific extensions, which make it possible, for example, to actively track a product - e.g. a valuable machine - even without an external power supply and by bridging offline times.


  • Technical complexity: The initial setup can be technically demanding and requires expertise in the area of blockchain.
  • Proprietary read/write device: The use of the particularly safety-relevant functions and the description of the chips require the use of the special proprietary read/write device from Tokiphy.
  • costs: The costs vary depending on the application and are higher than traditional methods.

Customer example

  • NFT Art Cards enable art collectors to access NFTs without having to deal with the technology.

Dynamic Element

Macro-level validation

Dynamic Element validates a product using macro images of the interface or an applied QR code, which thus becomes an SQR code. The reference images and every scan carried out are documented invariably in a public DLT network. The patented technology is even robust against minor injuries to the validation area and is found, for example, in Smart Stamp their application for decentrally stored certificates of authenticity of works of art.


  • DLT storage: The initial registration of a product and every interaction are documented invariably, which increases transparency and traceability.
  • KYC of registrars: By verifying the registrars (e.g. the artist in the case of Smart Stamp or the manufacturer for products), the origin of a product is ensured with the help of DLT and digital signatures.
  • Non-invasive technology: Authenticity is ensured by the uniqueness of the products or an applied QR code from a macro perspective. This reveals features such as natural leather embossing, ink penetration, surface and paper structure that cannot be forged in a targeted manner.

Customer loyalty programs

Through dynamic content management and DLT, companies can create customized customer loyalty programs where customers earn points through interactions and purchases, which are stored securely and transparently on the blockchain.


  • High technical requirements: Validation requires powerful macro optics, such as those built into iPhones from 13pro or Samsung 21 Ultra 5G or newer.

Customer example

  • crypto stamp Liechtenstein serializes postage stamps and expands them with additional digital services and customer experiences


Choosing the right technology for brand protection, product traceability, and liability depends on a company's individual and specific needs and resources. While QR codes and NFC chips offer a cost-effective and simple solution, they have weaknesses in terms of security and anti-counterfeiting. In comparison, all 3 technologies presented offer innovative approaches with significantly higher security standards and additional advantages such as non-copyable, non-falsifiable and non-transferable. All have advantages and disadvantages, which only come into effect with special requirements.

Thanks to the use of DLT, all 3 technologies are ideal for connecting a Digital product passport and for modern and efficient Customer loyalty programs be used. Raw materials used, production steps and entire supply chains can be stored transparently and retrievably in the DPP. For example, customers can collect points by owning validated products, which can be stored, exchanged and traded transparently and forgery-proof on the blockchain. This not only creates trust and strengthens customer loyalty.

  • Authentic Vision is particularly suitable for companies that require a high level of protection against counterfeiting and are willing to invest in a more robust solution. First choice for a cost-effective, easy-to-apply security feature that can be validated by any end customer with a smartphone. The integration of DLT also makes it easy to set up customer loyalty programs and a high level of verifiability.
  • Tokiphy is ideal for companies that want to use blockchain technology to ensure secure and transparent verification. The blockchain structure supports innovative and particularly secure, interoperable and transparent applications.
  • Dynamic Element offers a completely non-invasive solution that is particularly suitable for products that must not or should not be attached to an additional safety feature.

Ultimately, companies should carefully consider their specific requirements and consider the costs, security, and usability of the various technologies to find the best solution for their brand protection, product traceability, and liability. Integrating DLT with these technologies offers significant benefits, particularly when implementing customer loyalty programs and proving transactions and interactions. The functionalities can also be gradually expanded and rolled out, but it is good advice if a roadmap is already in place before the start of such a project so that it can be taken into account when selecting the technology.

Let's find out together which of the 3 technologies presented - or even those from another provider - best suits your requirements and demands. Or would you simply like to find out more about the points raised? It's best to contact me right now.