
Synergies of AI and DLT

Synergies of AI and DLT

The Synergy of AI and DLT: Innovative Solutions for the Digital Future

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, two technologies are becoming increasingly important: artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed ledger technology (DLT). Recently, large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT in particular have drawn the public's attention to the enormous potential of AI. At the same time, the crypto and NFT markets, which are closely linked to DLT, seem to be trapped in an endless bear market, negatively impacting interest in the technology.

It would be short-sighted to view these technologies as competitors. Instead, this blog post shows why, for what and how AI and DLT are used synergistically to create innovative solutions to the challenges of our digital future. While both technologies are already making impressive progress on their own, their true potential lies in the combination of their strengths.

This blog post sheds light on how AI and DLT together create added value and which specific use cases benefit most from this synergy. We will investigate how the analytical capabilities and predictive power of AI can be optimized through the secure, transparent, and immutable database of DLT, and how, conversely, AI enables intelligent use and evaluation of the data stored in DLT. In all cases, the strengths of both technologies complement each other: The analyticalability and predictive power of AI is optimized by the secure, transparent and immutable database of DLT. At the same time, AI enables intelligent use and evaluation of the data stored in DLT.

The basics: AI and DLT at a glance

Artificial intelligence includes systems that can make decisions independently and based on data. It is used in a wide variety of areas, from traffic control and sustainable business models to process optimization in public administration. DLT, on the other hand, is particularly suitable for the management of transaction and process data, such as those generated in register management. Once data and transactions have been stored in a DLT network, no one can change or delete them afterwards. Due to the decentralized nature of the networks, they are also very robust against attacks on the infrastructure used.

Synergies and added value

The combination of AI and DLT creates unique opportunities for innovative solutions. On the one hand, the immutable nature of the data and its source in a DLT network provides the perfect basis for AI-supported analyses on secured data. On the other hand, these data structures can also be used to register the parameters used (e.g. the prompt) and the resulting answers of the AI in an unchangeable way, including the human originator (or better: client?), in away that can be validated by everyone at any time.

Improved data quality and integrity

GIGO, means "Garbage In, Garbage Out", is not only considered a general phrase in IT, but is also well known as aprinciple among all scientists  who work with model systems. In AI, in which the models are generated entirely from the training data, this connection is even tighter. The training data of an AI model completely influences which weightings and correlations are assumed by the model and thus essentially the later results when using the model. Causalities are generally not recognized by an AI model, so they should be specified in the training data, e.g. by annotation. DLT provides an immutable and transparent database on which AI algorithms can be trained. This increases the reliability and traceability of AI decisions.

Automated smart contracts

AI can optimize the creation and execution of smart contracts on DLT platforms by analyzing complex terms and automatically adjusting contract clauses. Of course, security must never be ignored, because after deployment, a smart contract can no longer be changed and executes all transactions exactly as defined in its code. It is advisable to have a smart contract reviewed by specialists before deploying.

Enhanced security

The combination of AI-supported anomaly detection with the decentralized structure of DLT networks can identify, defend against and document security risks at an early stage. The AI benefits from the immutably stored and validatable data inthe DLT network, whose originator can be clearly identified. This means that neither the input parameters nor the anomalies documented by the AI can be deleted or changed.

Use-Cases for DLT and AI

AI and DLT use cases that exploit synergies

Click on the individual use cases to learn how the synergy of DLT and AI unfolds its potential.

Fight against fake news


Automated fact-checking: AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of information in real-time and identify potential misinformation. DLT stores these checks immutably, which increases the credibility of fact-checking.

Transparent source traceability: DLT makes it possible to document the origin of information seamlessly. AI can use this data to identify patterns in the spread of news and assess the credibility of sources.

Rapid response to disinformation campaigns: The combination of AI-powered detection and DLT-based verification enables rapid identification and containment of disinformation campaigns before they can spread widely.

Synergie: Increased transparency, reduced counterfeiting, optimized logistics and improved sustainability tracking.

AI analyzes content and detects potential misinformation

DLT stores the results of the fact check immutably

AI learns from the verified data stored in DLT and improves its detection performance

DLT enables transparent tracking of information sources

AI uses this data to identify distribution patterns

Sustainable energy industry


Optimized power distribution: AI systems can predict energy consumption patterns and optimize distribution accordingly. DLT ensures the secure and transparent recording of all transactions in the energy grid.

Peer-to-peer energy trading: DLT enables secure and direct transactions between energy producers and consumers. AI can optimize this process through intelligent pricing and demand forecasting.

Efficient load balancing: AI algorithms can react in real time to fluctuations in energy production and demand. DLT ensures that all customizations are transparent and traceable.

Synergy: The predictive capabilities of AI complement the secure transaction processing of DLT.

AI optimizes energy distribution based on consumption patterns

DLT logs all transactions immutably

AI uses DLT data for more accurate forecasting and optimization

DLT enables secure P2P energy trading

AI drives dynamic pricing based on DLT transaction data

Public administration


Automated administrative processes: AI can automate routine administrative tasks, while DLT ensures secure and transparent documentation. This leads to faster processing times and reduced administrative effort.

Transparent allocation of funds: The combination of AI and DLT enables efficient and transparent allocation of public funds. AI can support decision-making processes, while DLT documents all transactions immutably.

Improved citizen services: AI-powered chatbots can quickly answer citizen queries, while DLT systems ensure secure storage of personal data and login with digital Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI). This leads to an improved quality of service while protecting privacy.

Synergy: The combination automates processes while increasing transparency and security.

AI automates administrative processes

DLT documents all steps in a comprehensible way

AI analyzes DLT data for process optimization

DLT ensures immutability in AI-powered decisions

AI chatbots access secure DLT data stores

Supply Chain Management


Complete traceability: DLT enables an immutable record of all transactions in the supply chain. AI can analyze this data to identify inefficiencies and verify the authenticity of products.

Predictive Maintenance: AI algorithms can predict maintenance needs, while DLT documents the entire life cycle of machines and products. This results in reduced downtime and optimized resource utilization.

Automated contract processing: DLT-based smart contracts can be executed automatically once certain conditions are met. AI can monitor these conditions and optimize contract execution.

Synergy: This is where synergy improves efficiency, transparency, and predictability.

AI analyzes DLT data to optimize the supply chain

DLT enables end-to-end traceability

AI predicts maintenance needs

DLT logs the entire lifecycle immutably

AI monitors DLT-based smart contracts

Autonomous driving


Secure data communication: DLT ensures secure and tamper-resistant communication between autonomous vehicles and the infrastructure. AI processes this data in real time for safe driving decisions.

Dynamic traffic control: AI systems can predict and optimize traffic flows. DLT ensures that all traffic data is stored securely and transparently, which forms the basis for efficient smart city concepts.

Automated insurance and liability processes: In the event of accidents or disruptions, AI systems can quickly clarify questions of guilt, while DLT stores all relevant data immutably. This enables a fast and fair settlement of insurance claims.

Synergy: The combination increases safety and efficiency in traffic.

AI processes DLT data in real-time for driving decisions

DLT ensures secure communication between vehicles

AI optimizes traffic flows based on DLT-stored data

DLT logs all relevant driving data immutably

AI uses this data to improve driving algorithms

Challenges and solutions

When integrating AI and DLT, companies face some typical challenges that need to be overcome:

Technical complexity

The implementation of both technologies requires highly specialized expertise. Already the selection of suitable AI technologies (e.g. LLM, NeRF, Reinforcement, own LORAs, own GPTs, own models, ...) and DLT networks (e.g. Etherium, Solana, Polygon, IOTA, ...) significantly determines later results and should be specially adapted to the present and future requirements. Companies like Phygicon offer valuable support through their expertise in AI and DLT strategies and partnerships with other specialists. Their consulting services and tailor-made solutions help to overcome the technical hurdles.

Data privacy and Regulation

The use of AI and DLT must be in line with local and, where applicable, international data protection regulations. Especially in such new and thus judicially uncertain topics, this task is not always easy. Phygicon's experience in developing regulation-compliant solutions can be invaluable here. They not only support the implementation of privacy-by-design approaches, but also have the right contact persons in the partner network for cooperation witht he few specialized lawyers and regulatory authorities.


DLT networks in particular face challenges in scaling. When designing a new DLT, you are basically faced with a trilemma of security, scalability and decentralization. For example, Bitcoin is a DLT with maximum security and maximum decentralization, but at least on Layer 1 completely without being able to scale. There are some attempts to partially solve the trilemma, but to date no one has succeeded in designing a DLT that fully meets all three requirements at once. Phygicon's expertise in the development of scalable blockchain solutions can help companies at designing efficient and future-proof systems and will take all their requirements into account when selecting a suitable DLT network.


Linking existing systems with new AI and DLT solutions can be very complex. Regardlessof whether you run your IT on premise, in the cloud, in a monolithic database or by means of containers and microservices - the integration of a new functionality must be as seamless as possible. It is a great advantage if a broad knowledge of legacy systems, interface technologies and requirements is available. Phygicon's holistic approach, many years of experience in system integration ina wide variety of infrastructures and an established partner ecosystem offer the best prerequisites to make coping this challenge much easier.

Shortage of skilled workers

The shortage of skilled workers especially in the young fields of AI and DLT is another hurdle. Phygicon offers not only consulting and development, but also training and workshops to support companies in the further training of their employees.

Overcoming these challenges requires a strategic approach and often external expertise. Companies like Phygicon, which specialize in the intersection of AI and DLT, can be valuable partners here. They offer not only technical know-how, but also strategic advice to exploitthe full potential of these technologies.

Last words

The combination of AI and DLT holds enormous potential for innovative solutions in a wide variety of areas. From combating fake news to streamlining administrative processes and promoting sustainable energy systems, the synergy of these technologies promises to significantly improve and shape our digitalfuture.

In order to fully exploit this potential, continuous investment in research and development as well as the promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation are essential. At the same time, ethical and regulatory frameworks must be created that enable innovation while ensuring the protection of individual rights.

The future lies in the intelligent linking of AI and DLT. Companies, research institutions and public institutions that investin these technologies at an early stage, understand them and use their synergies for themselves and their customers will be ahead of the curve in the digital transformation in the future. Kickstart or accelerate your journey today by making an initial free appointment to discuss your specific goals!