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collectID is a company that offers a platform to connect physical and digital products. The platform uses blockchain, NFC, and NFT technologies to create a unique identity for each product, ensure authenticity, increase customer loyalty, and improve data analysis.

The platform works by equipping every product with a secure CollectID NFC tag that can be scanned with a standard smartphone. The tag creates a secure message that changes with every interaction and cannot be duplicated. This message is then assigned to an owner, tokenized, and stored on a blockchain. This creates an immutable and forgery-proof ecosystem for product verification.

The platform enables participants to place their messages directly on the product and expand the shopping experience for end customers. You can create exclusive offers, direct CTAs, and unique content that engage customers and drive sales. In addition, valuable customer data can be used to improve customer experience and promote brand loyalty. It also allows participants to participate in the secondary market.

The platform is suitable for various industries, such as sports, fashion, art and luxury. CollectID's customers include top international teams such as Nashville Predators (NHL), Atlético Mineiro (the first official Brazilian soccer champion in 1971), Bayer Leverkusen and VfB Stuttgart (German soccer Bundesliga) as well as luxury brands such as Maison Mollerus13.